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Freezone Services
We at VBIZZONE caters to visa requirement service for Corporate (Employment Visa) as well as Individual person (Family Visa) without any hassle. Our in-house expert team along with on hands team on the ground has direct access to the government department and Ministry of Labour to provide first-hand information. We understand the needs of each client and provide cost-effective solutions as well as timely completion of jobs. Our back office team provides timely updates on day to day basis to our clients which is an integral part of our service.
Dubai Studio City (DSC) is established to facilitate global production houses related movies, television, music, broadcasting and other entertainment business. It’s an in house solution to encourage global creative needs entrepreneurs engaged in this field as it is equipped production facilities such as the region’s largest sound stages, backdrops (sets), recording studios etc. It is an exiting place to venture with your creative needs.
Business setup in DSC
FZ-LLC Corporate person as a Shareholder
Requirements as follows:
1. License application Form
2. Business Plan
3. Appointment of Shareholders
4. Appointment of Manager
5. Appointment of Director(s)
6. Appointment of legal representative (optional)
7. *Legal Documents
8. Application of Registration
9. Parent company Incorporation Certificate
10.Certificate of continuity or existence of Good standing
11.Parent company MOA & AOA
12. Resolution for the Incorporation of company
13. NOC for Manager form his current UAE sponsor if applicable
14. RIC form for Director(s), Manager & Shareholder(s)
15. TT copy or Deposit receipt as proof of share capital in Trust account
16. Suitable commercial space
17. Board Resolution for corporate shareholder(s) of the company
18. Registry Identification code form- Corporate person shareholder
FZ-LLC Natural & Corporate person as a Shareholder
Requirements as follows:
1. License application Form
2. Business Plan
3. Appointment of Shareholders
4. Appointment of Manager
5. Appointment of Director(s)
6. Appointment of legal representative (optional)
7. *Legal Documents
8. Application of Registration
9. Parent company Incorporation Certificate
10.Certificate of continuity or existence of Good standing
11.Parent company MOA & AOA
12.*CV of shareholder(s) / Freelancer*
13.*Bank reference letter for Shareholder(s) / Freelancer*
14.Resolution for the Incorporation of company
15.NOC for Manager form his current UAE sponsor if applicable
16.RIC form for Director(s), Manager & Shareholder(s)
17.TT copy or Deposit receipt as proof of share capital in Trust account
18.Suitable commercial space
19.Board Resolution for corporate shareholder(s) of the company
20.Board Resolution for Natural Shareholder
21.Registry Identification code form- Natural person shareholder
FZ-LLC Natural person as a Shareholder
Requirements as follows:
1. License application Form
2. Business Plan
3. Appointment of Shareholders
4. Appointment of Manager
5. Appointment of Director(s)
6. Appointment of legal representative (optional)
7. *Legal Documents
8. Application of Registration
9. *CV of shareholder(s) / Freelancer*
10.*Bank reference letter for Shareholder(s) / Freelancer*
11.Resolution for the Incorporation of company
12.NOC for Manager form his current UAE sponsor if applicable
13.RIC form for Director(s), Manager & Shareholder(s)
14.TT copy or Deposit receipt as proof of share capital in Trust account
15.Suitable commercial space
16.Board Resolution for Natural Shareholder
17.Registry Identification code form- Natural person shareholder
Branch of a Foreign Company
Requirements as follows:
1. License application Form
2. Business Plan
3. Appointment of Manager
4. Appointment of legal representative (optional)
5. *Legal Documents
6. Application of Registration
7. Parent company Incorporation Certificate
8. Certificate of continuity or existence of Good standing
9. Parent company MOA & AOA
10.Resolution for the Incorporation of Branch
11.NOC for Manager form his current UAE sponsor if applicable
12.RIC form for Manager / Freelancer*
13.Suitable commercial space
14.Registry Identification code form- Corporate person shareholder
15.Board Resolution to establish a branch
16.Registry Identification code form- Natural person shareholder
Branch of a UAE company or UAE Establishment
Requirements as follows:
1. License application Form
2. Business Plan
3. Appointment of Manager
4. Appointment of legal representative (optional)
5. *Legal Documents
6. Application of Registration
7. Parent company Incorporation Certificate
8. Parent company MOA & AOA
9. Resolution for the Incorporation of Branch
10. NOC for Manager form his current UAE sponsor if applicable
11. RIC form for Manager / Freelancer*
12. Suitable commercial space
13. Registry Identification code form- Corporate person shareholder
14. Board Resolution to establish a branch
15. Registry Identification code form- Natural person shareholder
Freelance Permit
Requirements as follows:
1. License application Form
2. Business Plan
3. *Legal Documents
4. Application of Registration
5. *CV of shareholder(s) / Freelancer*
6. *Bank reference letter for Shareholder(s) / Freelancer*
7. RIC form for Manager / Freelancer*
8. Suitable commercial space
9. Registry Identification code form- Natural person shareholder
10.Personal Reference Letters(minimum 3)*
11.Portfolio / sample work*
Notes: • The licensing authority for DOC is DCCA (Dubai Creative Cluster Authority)
• The legal entity allowed to operate in DOC is FZ-LLC (Free Zone Limited Liability Company)
• Legal documents such as Registration application, NOC for Manager and Proof of Share capital should be submitted in original
• Copy of proposed shareholder(s) CV’s can be submitted (applicable for freelancers also)
• All other legal documents should be notarized/attested as required by the authority before submission
• All the required documents of more than one page should be sealed
• The authority holds the right to ask for additional documents if required
• The documents should be in English and / or in Arabic, if the documents are in other languages then they have to be submitted along with certified translation in the above languages
The main objective to incorporate DIFC is to achieve a vision of Dubai government to establish a reputation of Dubai as one of the prominent financial hub of the global economy. To enable this it has a goal to build a state of the art of infrastructure in the zone which will promote economic and financial growth of the city, which in turn benefit entire UAE region leading to substantial fiscal dominance in the financial world.
Business set up Process in DIFC
The licensing authorities are DIFC and Dubai Financial Service Authority (DFSA) which manages and regulates Registrar of Companies (ROC) under which the companies are incorporated and registered.
Following are the list of business entities allowed to operate in DIFC
1) Limited Liability Company (LLC) – These are non-regulated companies basically involved in non-financial sectors such as restaurants, consultants, educational institutes etc. Minimum of 1 member is required to incorporate such type of companies.
2) Company Limited by Shares (LTD) – These companies can raise share capital through public offering and also issue securities. Minimum 1 shareholder is required.
3) Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) – This form of company is incorporated by 2 or more shareholders and their liability is limited to the extent of individual share held in the company by each member.
4) Limited Partnership (LP) – In this type of partnership there are General partner(s) with unlimited liability and Limited partner(s) with limited liability based on their individual contribution within the company.
5) General Partnership (GP) – In this type of company all participating partner(s) liability is unlimited.
6) Recognized Companies (RC) – These are the branch of existing foreign company who are already registered in DIFC. RC are not recognized as having individual legal entity but considered as an extension of the said Foreign Company in DIFC.
7) Special Purpose Companies – These types of companies are incorporated under regulated license by DIFC Authority.
All these can be registered by DFSA ROC under regulated entity or non-regulated entity depending upon the nature of business activity applied. Basically Financial firms like banks, financial institutions, auditing companies and law firms are termed as regulated entity. Non-regulated entities are those are not involved in financial business and provide goods and services for smooth functioning of regulated firms. Firms engaged in consultancies, courier services, printing services, typing services etc. are considered as non-regulated entities.
Steps required setting up a business
A) Regulated Business / Entity formation Process
1) During the initial stages of registration the client has to file in a letter of intent with DIFC based on which introductory meeting will be held between the client and DIFC and DFSA authorities.
2) DFSA will go through this letter once they are satisfied, the client can then submit a full application form to the authorities.
3) A regulatory business plan, with details of proposed partner(s), shareholder(s), manager and legal representative(s) should be submitted to the authorities.
4) Based on this the proposed business entity will be registered with ROC DIFC
5) This will state that the entity has acquired an initial approval (In-Principal approval) for its proposed business activities.
6) After receiving the initial approval, the client has to open a local bank account and deposit the share capital amount
7) The client should also obtain a space in DIFC and pay the necessary lease amount
8) Once this is completed the client should submit the proof of registration, bank remittance copy and lease payment receipt to the authority
9) Once all these steps are completed and the authority will issue a license with regulations and conditions based on the business activity applied by the client.
B) Non-Regulated Business / Entity formation Process
1) Steps are the same as mentioned for Regulated business formation, the only difference is that these proposed entities should not be involved in any financial/legal/auditing activities
2) DFSA is not involved in the incorporation of these entities but only DIFC and ROC are involved
List of Documents required for incorporating an entity in DIFC
1) Proof of Trade Name reservation
2) Passport copies and CV’s of proposed shareholder(s) / partners
3) Passport copy and CV of the proposed Manager
4) Copy of POA if a legal representative is appointed
5) Parent / Holding company Incorporation Certificate / DED License wherever applicable
6) Certificate of continuity or existence of Good standing for the Parent / Holding company
7) Parent / Holding company MOA & AOA wherever applicable
8) Bank reference letter for Shareholder(s) / partner(s) of parent company / Holding company wherever applicable
9) Resolution for the Incorporation of company
10) Resolution for the Incorporation of Branch wherever applicable
11) NOC for Manager from his current UAE sponsor if applicable
12) RIC form for Director(s), Manager & Shareholder(s) of Holding company wherever applicable
13) RIC form for Manager for establishment of branch
14) Board Resolution for corporate shareholder(s) of the company, applicable if the current company is formed by corporate person as a shareholder
15) RIC form if Corporate person is a shareholder
16) Board Resolution for Natural person as a Shareholder
17) RIC form- Natural person as shareholder
18) Board Resolution / RIC form if both Natural and Corporate person are shareholder(s) of the company.
• RIC stands for Registry identification code
• The above documents should be either submitted in original/notarized/attested as required by the authorities
• Apart from above some additional documents might be requested by the authorities to issue license
• All authorization requirements are mentioned in DFSA’s “General Module” and “Conduct of Business Module”
Dtec is formed as an international hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. It is created by DSOA to offer a base for business startups for small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) involved in modern technology business. It offers flexi business solutions and is now home for more than 500 SME’s in the zone.
Business setup in Dtech
Following are the step for business startup in Dtech:
1) Application Form as provided by the authority
2) The form should consists of the following
a) Desired Name of the company
b) Desired activity (s) of the company
c) Proposed Director(s), Secretary and Manager of the company
d) Passport copy, CV’s and Qualification certificates (attested) of proposed Shareholder(s), Director(s), Secretary and Manager of the company
e) Business plan of the proposed company
f) NOC for manager from the UAE sponsor (applicable for residence status only)
The authorities will assess the above documents and provide the client access to their portal. The client has to register the company in this portal and obtain initial approval. Then the client has to choose a desired office space and pay the necessary fees upon generation Invoice and obtain lease agreement from the authorities.
Once all this process is completed the client has to prepare the following legal documents
1) Resolution to establish a company / branch / subsidiary.
2) Resolution for appointment of Shareholder(s), Director(s), Secretary and Manager of the company.
3) Resolution for composition, allocation and distribution of share capital
4) MOA & AOA of parent company if the shareholder(s) is / are Corporate person
5) Resolution on POA to Manager / legal representative if appointed
6) Specimen signature(s) of Director(s), Secretary and Manager
7) The documents should be in original , attested or notarized wherever applicable
8) Apart from above additional documents may be required by the authorities depending on the activities requested in the Business plan.
The authorities will assess the above documents and call up for a meeting with all the Shareholder(s), Director(s), Secretary, Manager and Legal representative (if appointed) to sign the Board resolutions, Lease agreement and signatory list. Once this is done the license will be issued by the Authorities.
Note: Dtech provides office space through options of flexi desk and fully furnished offices depending on the requirement of various clients.
DMCC is established as solo commodities market place set to develop significant physical market and financial infrastructure to enhance commodities business in the region. It is recognized as a Leading free zone in UAE with over 12,000 registered companies in the region.
Business setup in DMCC
Following are the steps to incorporate a business in DMCC
Prior to application process the client should decide on the following
• Choose name of the company
• Type of the company (LLC/Subsidiary of local or foreign company/ Branch of a local or foreign company)
• Decide on the desired activities of the proposed company (Industrial / trading / service)
• Decide on customized license structure such as Single family office or e-commerce license structure(to act as an intermediate to promote and facilitate commercial transactions of a third party in return for a fixed remuneration or commission)
Once the client has decided on the above the following steps should be followed
1) Online submission of the application form with all the details as mentioned above
2) The application should contain a business plan
3) Following is the list of documents required at this stage
a) Passport copies and CV’s of the partner(s) / Shareholder(s)
b) Passport copy and CV of Manager
c) Proof of residential address
d) NOC for Manager if he is a resident or under employment in UAE
e) NOC from relevant government authorities if required for the applied activity.
f) Any additional documents as required by the authorities
After reviewing the above documents the authorities will issue Initial approval, on receipt of which the client should proceed for selection of office space, pay the fees and obtain lease agreement.
After this step, registration process will take place for which following legal documents have to be submitted:
1) Registration Form
2) Letter of Understanding(LOU)
3) Resolution for Natural / Corporate person as Shareholder(s)
4) Resolution for Natural and Corporate as Shareholder(s)
5) Resolution for subsidiary
6) Resolution for branch
7) Resolution for Joint venture
8) MOA as template of DMCC
9) Declaration form of Ultimate Beneficial Owner
10) KYC of Shareholder(s), Manager and legal representative
11) POA for legal representative if appointed
12) Specimen signature form
13) SFO letter of undertaking applicable only for SFO license
14) Questionnaire for SFO activity
15) Lease agreement copy
16) Proof of share capital remittance in local bank
17) Any other documents as required for license purpose
Note: • The legal documents should be submitted either in original or copies should be notarized / attested by authorized government authorities wherever required.
• All applications in DMCC are done online through their portal so client need to check the portal for status updates
The document are assessed by the authorities and license is issued online through their portal
DSOA is established by Dubai government with a mission to enhance Industries based on modern technology hence nurturing the regions demand for business expansion. Its state of the art infrastructure provides a sophisticated industrial, educational, commercial, residential and public facility.
Business setup in DSOA
In DSOA a client can incorporate the following:
1) Free Zone Company (FZCO)
2) Free Zone Establishment (FZE)
3) Branch
The license types available are:
1) Trade License
2) Service License
3) Industrial License
4) Entrepreneurial Business license
5) Business Operation Permit
Process of company formation in DSOA
A) Initial Approval:
1) Submit dully filled application form
2) Letter of intent
3) Business plan
4) Passport copy of the shareholder(s)
5) Passport copy of the Manager
6) NOC for Manager (UAE residence only)
7) Copy of MOA / AOA of the parent company (branch setup)
8) Certificate of Incorporation / Formation wherever applicable
9) Copy of Trade license (GCC company branch / subsidiary setup)
Once the above documents are assessed, letter of initial approval is issued to client along with the Invoice.
B) Registration Process:
1) Proof of settlement of Invoice
2) Proof of selection of desired property (office space / land)
3) Passport copy of the Director and secretary (Natural / corporate person)
4) Proof of bank remittance towards share capital amount
5) MOA & AOA of the parent company if the company’s shareholder(s) is Corporate person
6) Board Resolution for formation of a company / branch / subsidiary
7) Board Resolution for shareholder(s) (Natural person / Corporate person / Natural & Corporate person)
8) Board resolution on share capital amount
9) Board resolution on composition / allocation / subscription of shares
10) Board resolution appointment of Director(s), Secretary and Manager
11) Board resolution on POA to Manager / Legal representative if appointed
12) Specimen signature(s) of Director, Secretary and Manager
13) All the documents should be submitted in original or be notarized / attested by relevant government authorities wherever applicable
14) Any other additional document required by the authority to issue license.
The will assess the legality of all the documents then issue the lease agreement and license to the client.
DAFZA is a free zone dedicated for development of trade business in Dubai. It facilitates growth of trading activities in the region by providing appropriate infrastructure. Over the years it has attracted many traders both locally and internationally and is ever growing since then.
Steps of business setup in DAFZA
A) Initial Approval:
1) Submit Application form
2) Submit Letter of intent (summary of the company)
3) Submit Business Plan
4) Submit Company brochure
5) Following are the documents required
a) Financial records(bank statement) of the shareholder(s)
b) Passport copies and CV’s of Shareholder(s)
c) Passport copy and CV of Manager
d) Original Bank reference letter for Shareholder(s)
e) NOC for Manager if he is a resident or under employment in UAE
f) NOC from relevant government authorities if required for the applied activity.
g) Any additional documents as required by the authorities
The authorities will review the above documents and if they are satisfied will issue the initial approval issued.
B) License approval:
1) After receiving the initial approval the next step is to select an office space in DAFZA zone
2) The authorities have appointed sales team to assist client for selection of desired office space
3) Once the office space is decided, necessary fees have to paid within 2 weeks of Issue of Invoice to obtain lease agreement
4) The next step after obtaining the lease agreement, the client has to submit the following legal documents:
a) Registration form
b) Proof of initial approval
c) Passport copy and CV’s of shareholder(s) and manager
d) Copy of POA if an legal representative is appointed
e) Board resolution to open a company / branch
f) In case of opening of a branch, Incorporation certificate of the parent company
g) If the shareholder(s) is corporate company then Incorporation certificate of the holding company
h) Bank reference letters for shareholders
i) Good standing certificate / letter of continuity for parent / holding company
j) Board resolution for corporate person as a shareholder(s)
k) RIC form for corporate person as a shareholder(s)
l) Board resolution for Natural person as a shareholder(s)
m) RIC form for Natural person as a shareholder(s)
n) Board resolution for corporate person and Natural person as shareholder(s)
o) RIC form for corporate person and Natural person as shareholder(s)
p) MOA/ AOA of the parent company / holding company
q) RIC form for Manager wherever applicable
r) Any other additional documents as required by the authorities
Note: All legal documents should be either submitted in original or copies notarize / attested by relevant government authorities wherever applicable.
The authorities will assess the above documents and once satisfied will issue the certificate of incorporation and the share certificate.